Young Adults Dinner
We host a free dinner approximately every second week on Wednesdays for all the young adults in the area. Many but not all are students at Selkirk College and many are far from home so the home cooked meal and leftovers to take home are very appreciated.
Our main cooks are Cathy and Jill and Tressa is our main ambassador during the dinners. If there are extra leftovers we circulate them to some of our shut in seniors.
Check our main page for notice of the dates of dinners. The dinners do not occur throught the summer months.
ESL Group
Tressa Identified a need for a social group to practice the English language. There are several persons that attend after church on Sundays to practice with Tressa. Some refreshments are served but the main gift is confidence in expressing oneself in a foreign language.
Check our main page for notice if the group is not meeting. Again they do not meet through summer months.